I once read this quote and it has stuck with me ever since. To me, it talks about the focused mind and precision. On the surface it means that no matter how sharp the blade or powerful the weapon; if the mind wielding it is fuzzy or weak it will not be nearly as effective as a lesser weapon wielded by someone who is focused. On a deeper level it explains about rest and productivity. If you are burning the candle at both ends why are you surprised when things go sideways (due to your exhaustion and fuzzy reasoning). A good night's sleep is essential for your sanity (https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/important-sleep-habits )
Before the Pandemic it was considered “Sexy” to work yourself like a slave. The saying, “I'll rest when I'm dead” is truer and closer than one would think. The truth is that forgoing sleep is neither more productive nor “Sexy”.
I will add to this, meditation. Both sleep and meditation will add to your productivity far beyond the time “wasted” doing them. A rested mind is a sharp focused mind. And speaking of focused, how about a “To Do” list. I have found that making a short “To Do” list helps me focus. There will always be something more to do but accomplishing a short list is sure better than nibbling and half-assing a long list. Too many options can paralyze you. The last thing I do before calling it a day is to make tomorrow’s “To Do” list. That way I don’t have to think about it in the morning. Just be sure to make it realistic and if something doesn’t get done, push it to the next day. If you keep pushing something off then take it off the list. You obviously don’t want to do it. If it’s something you need to do then quit being a pussy and just get it out of the way. The list will not, magically, make you want to do something. It’s just a way to focus.
One more thing I will add is to slow down. We tend to rush through things and when we rush we make mistakes, then we get to do it over again and that’s truly wasting time.